Keep the snails off your tomatoes, and out of your garden with this 9 volt, slime-proof electric fence!

Keep the snails off your tomatoes, and out of your garden with this 9 volt, slime-proof electric fence!
It’s good to keep in mind that sometimes, when things sound complex, complicated or tough, it may just be because they are new. This quick “How to Cook Quinoa” video shows just how easy it can be to cook healthy, fast food. Enjoy your quinoa!
One of our favorite desserts!
Cheap, healthy, and they look so yummy!
For those days when you just want to sit and watch people decorate with sugar, chocolate and frosting. Enjoy these cake decorating compilations! Another cake decoration compilation, this one is Oddly Satisfying!
Do you think you could bake a cake without your hands? Do you think you would even try? We applaud their ambition! (And we are very entertained) This video stars Liza Koshy Too and Kristen McAtee
By Calvin Men Originally posted at Live Oak market brings energy without the large crowds Locals know the Live Oak Farmers Market as a neighborhood staple. Organizers know it as one of the largest and oldest in its lineup. Santa Cruz Community Farmers’ Market started the Live Oak location in 2000. Surrounded by residential […]